I am a part-time-pro magician, specializing in stand-up shows for birthday and anniversary parties, weddings, corporate events and children’s shows.
In my main occupation I am a Marketing Manager at the German division of one of the world’s leading entertainment brands. You can probably guess which one it is by exploring my website a little.
While my native language is German, I can -and have often- performed in English as well.
I am also the current president of our local Munich magic club, the Zauberring München.
A brief history…
Although only very few noticed, I performed my first magic trick in 1971, when I suddenly appeared on the world’s stage. At age 8 I first saw a magician perform – my uncle.
Since two of my cousins had been bitten by the magic bug as well, a frequent exchange of letters followed and I began my first magical steps in the 1980s. Billed as “Mr. Magic”, I did my first big stage show at age 12 in May of 1984 at my cousin’s confirmation celebration.
Years of constant learning and practice followed and I was lucky to perform regularly such as at my own confirmation celebration in May of 1986:
In 1987 I finally discovered a local magic club in Munich, the Zauberring München, a division of the German Magic Cirlce (MZvD). Although I was 16 and under age to become a full member, I was accepted as an applicant. After two years as an aspiring member, I finally was allowed to become a member of the MZvD at age 18. During these two years I had to perform a magic trick at each club meeting… now the years as an apprentice really began!
In December of 1989 I was formally and ceremonially introduced into the Zauberring München and the MZvD.
After passing the A-levels with a university-entrance diploma I decided to start an apprenticeship in hotel management in 1992. Beside my main occupation, there are frequent opportunities to show my magical talents.